We all have a routine in our daily life no matter what we do or who we are or what we want to be, we all around this planet have one thing in common and that is ‘Routine’. We take care of many things as we grow up, things which are really important to us and things that we think if aren’t taken care of will have an impact that nobody would want. Here we are going to talk about the impact that we can see that we can categorized as physical impact. Many believe that health is something that depends on genetics and it is true that you get a certain things as heredity but it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve or cure something that is good or bad that you inherited. Well, it is quite simple if you run a vehicle with a fuel that is not meant for it then you will face consequences. As this humanity has evolved into what we see it today we have seen a variety of food cultures around the world and each has a significance and importance for the people who follow it. In recent times ...